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Datamart Dataset APIs

  • API Version: 1.0.0
  • Release date: Stable release
  • Uses Dataset Metadata version schema: 1.0.0
  • Uses Dataset version schema: 0.0.3
  • Authors: Pedro Szekely, Ke-Thia Yao and Daniel Garijo

Datamart exposes two main APIs: a Dataset metadata API, where developers may retrieve metadata about datasets and variables; and a Dataset content API, where developers may download datasets and their variable time series.


The metadata API follows the Dataset schema in The content API follows the schema in

An implementation of the API is available at: We illustrate how to use it in a Jupyter notebook.

Metadata API.

The metadata API supports the operations listed below:

Path Method Description Parameters
/metadata/datasets GET Returns all datasets (list of Dataset) We support filtering datasets according to the following parameters:
name: name of the dataset. Example: &name=fbiData2009
geo: Spatial location. Example: &geo=33.946799,-118.4307395,15z
intersects: Intersection if the dataset location with a bounding box in format [lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax]. Example: &intersects=84.7142,-76.7142,14.9457,22.945
keyword: A relevant keyword (or keyword list separated by ",") that points to relevant variables, subjects or location of the dataset Example: &keyword=maize,ethiopia
/metadata/datasets POST Creates a new Dataset record.
Returns: Status code 201 (created) if successful, along with the dataset id.
NOTE: If the POST methods have already been executed against the Datamart server, then server will respond with an error message.
/metadata/datasets/dataset_id PUT REPLACES the entry of the dataset identified by dataset_id with the JSON received in the request. Returns: Status code 200 if successful. None
/metadata/datasets/dataset_id GET Returns the metadata of the Dataset identified by dataset_id None
/metadata/datasets/dataset_id/variables GET Returns all Variables in a dataset identified by dataset_id (list of variable) None
/metadata/datasets/dataset_id/variables POST Creates a new Variable in the dataset identified by dataset_id. Returns 201 if successful None
/metadata/datasets/dataset_id/variables/variable_id GET Returns the Variable variable_id in the dataset identified by dataset_id None
/metadata/variables GET Returns all existing variable metadata We support filtering datasets according to the following parameters:
ids: Variable ids to be returned (could be more than one). Example: &ids=H123,H124
name: name of the variable. Example: &name=population
geo: Spatial location: Example: &geo=33.946799,-118.4307395,15z
intersects: Intersection if the variable location with a bounding box in format [lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax]. Example: &intersects=84.7142,-76.7142,14.9457,22.945
keyword: A relevant keyword (or keyword list separated by ",") that points to relevant aspects of the variable Example: &keyword=production,ethiopia

When a request includes a filter (e.g., by keyword), the response table will also have a rank column with a score indicating the best matches for the given request (highest scores indicate better matching).

Data Content API.

Path Method Description Parameters
/datasets/dataset_id GET Returns the raw dataset identified by dataset_id in its original format. Raw data could be in any format, such as CSV, TSV, PDF, images, zip, etc. None
/datasets/dataset_id/variables GET Returns a CSV with the variables included in the dataset identified by dataset_id. The results follow the canonical data format, and do not include qualifiers. limit: The API will return data for 20 variables only, by default. However that limit can be increased by setting the limit in the url. Example: ?limit=50
/datasets/dataset_id/variables?variable=variable_id GET Returns a CSV in canonical data format for the specified dataset (dataset_id) and variable (variable_id). include: Additional columns to download. Example: &include=country_id,admin1_id
exclude: Exclude columns from download. Example: &exclude=coordinate
country: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified countries. Example: &country=Ethiopia,Sudan
country_id: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified country identifiers.Example: &country_id=Q115,Q1049
admin1: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified first-level administrative regions. Example: &admin1=Oromia+Region
admin1_id: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified first-level administrative region identifiers.Example: &admin1_id=Q202107
admin2: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified second-level administrative regions.- Example: &admin2=Arsi+Zone
admin2_id: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified second-level administrative region identifiers. Example: &admin2_id=Q646859
admin3: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified third-level administrative regions. Example: &admin3=Amigna,Digeluna+Tijo
admin3_id: Download rows where the main subject is one of the specified third-level administrative region identifiers. Example: &admin3_id=Q2843318,Q5275598
in_country: Download rows where the main subject is a first-level administrative regions of the specified countries. Example: &in_country=Ethiopia
in_country_id: Download rows where the main subject is a first-level administrative regions of the specified country identifiers. Example: &in_country_id=Q115
in_admin1: Download rows where the main subject is a second-level administrative regions of the specified first-level administrative regions. Example: &in_admin1=Oromia+Region
in_admin1_id: Download rows where the main subject is a second-level administrative regions of the specified first-level administrative region identifiers. Example: &in_admin1_id=Q202107
in_admin2: Download rows where the main subject is a third-level administrative regions of the specified second-level administrative regions. Example: &in_admin2=Arsi+Zone
in_admin2_id: Download rows where the main subject is a third-level administrative regions of the specified second-level administrative regions. Example: &in_admin2_id=Q646859
/datasets/dataset_id/variables/variable_id PUT Uploads data to a variable of a dataset. The variable must already exist in the dataset (i.e., it has to be created by POST to /metadata/datasets/{dataset_id}/variables). DEPRECATED
/datasets/dataset_id/variables/variable_id DELETE Deletes the variable from a target dataset. None
/datasets/dataset_id/annotated PUT, POST Uploads data to one or more variables in the target dataset

Additional considerations:

All the region parameters (i.e. country, country_id, admin1, etc) can be used at the same time. Datamart interprets multiple region parameters as or constraints.

The Datamart uses place names based on Wikidata place name labels in English. Also, a place can be identified using its Wikidata qnode id. The mapping between place name and its identifier, as well as its administrative hierarchy, can be found in this file.


  • GET [API_URL]/[dataset_id]/variable/[variable_id]: Get a CSV table of crop productions
  • GET [API_URL]/[dataset_id]/variable/[variable_id]/area&include=admin1_id: Get a CSV table of land area used for crop productions, and include the admin1_id column in the table.

Aggregation of Data Content API

Path Method Description Parameters
/datasets/dataset_id/variable/variable_id GET Returns an aggregated dataset from dataset dataset_id and variable variable_id in canonical data format. group-by: specifies the column to use for aggregation
operator: specifies the function to use for aggregation

-Example: - GET [API_URL]/datasets/[dataset_id]/variables/[variable_id]?group-by=admin1_id&operator=sum: Get food production aggregated at theadmin1 region level.